On Friday 28th February at 6pm we are having a gathering at SFX College to celebrate Clapham College and our time there.
It will be an informal get-together. ..just come along.
Possibly one of our last chances to visit to the old place for a social gathering.
We’ll meet in the College canteen, then move onto the Chapel at 6.30pm to see our
latest acquisitions - the St Mary’s Relics.
Then back to the canteen for some light refreshments and the Clapham Archive – we
should leave the College at around 7.30pm
Finally, for the more resilient.. a walk round the corner to the Albany / George Pub
By all means, invite others, but please inform me of the numbers coming…editor@claphamoldxaverians.co.uk
I intend inviting a wider group of interested Old Xaverians. Twenty Old Boys have
said they will be there…as of 17th Jan.
Thanks for the replies I have had, please join our … “Band of Brothers”
Scotty Macdonald